The tarp works great in protecting the roof against any possible risk of damage from the weather conditions. Besides, even when there is a leaky roof, you can use the builder's tarp to protect it until a replacement or repair is done. The guide will explain how to use the tarp on the roof.
1. An essential thing you need to do is fully examine the extent of damage that has happened after the storm. Make sure that you avoid using a tarp during the storm, as it can be quite unsafe. You need to have the proper equipment and take safety measures to ensure it is placed well on the roof and there is no risk.
2. Make sure you measure the damaged area and calculate the possible amount or length of the roof that will require covering. The tarp must be able to cover all the damaged area and overhang from the peak of the roof.
3. The
next step will help ensure that your roof
tarp is properly
positioned on the roof. The tarp must be properly weighted down and secured so
that it won't come to lose during the storm conditions. The easiest way is to
make use of sandbags, as it will help keep the tarp from blowing away.
While for a more secure and long-lasting solution, you can create an anchor board. For this, you have to roll a 2x4 inch board into the peak end of the tarp. Now you need to nail the tarp to the board.
4. In the final step, you need to secure the builder's tarp properly to avoid any flapping debris or water seepage inside the property. For this, make use of a screw gun through the tarp-rolled boards.
When your property is damaged after the storm,
then using the builder's tarp to protect it from further damage is
highly advised. To make a purchase of good quality tarp, you can consider Tarphire.